MIlano - 10 | 11 June 2025
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Supervision, Risks & Profitability

Perché Supervision, Risks & Profitability

Supervision, Risks & Profitability is the annual ABI event held to support banks and financial intermediaries in the management of increasingly complex risks and to guide them in the adoption of more conscious organisational choices. The event addresses the needs of professionals who face the challenge of negotiating stringent regulatory requirements on the one hand and multiple risks on the other, translating them into opportunities for growth in interconnected, digitalised markets.

unique format that focuses on the different aspects of a field of action where complianceprofitability and risk management coexist.

The implementation of the final phase of the Basel 3 reforms on the new capital, liquidity and financial leverage requirements for banks is about to start. We have already analysed how this regulatory framework has succeeded in strengthening the stability of the global financial system, by increasing the resilience of banks in the face of the crisis that swept through the global economy and enabling them to adequately support the real economy, even during particularly hard times. The Basel 3+ updates now take into account a series of new risks that were not fully considered in the previous versions of the accord. These include environmental risks naturally, but also technological risks, such as cyber security and data management, which have become increasingly relevant in the digital era.

In the face of these emerging challenges, banks must find the right balance between the necessary regulatory compliance and the need to maintain an adequate competitiveness in the context of an increasingly global and dynamic financial market, by adapting their business strategies and investing in innovation and technological development.

The event is conducted in cooperation with DIPO (Italian operational loss database) for all matters concerning operational risks.


Supervision, Risks & Profitability is aimed at management of banks and companies. In particular, within banks, department heads and experts in the following areas:

  • Credit
  • Finance
  • Corporate
  • Risk management
  • Internal auditing
  • Commercial
  • Investment banking
  • Project finance
  • Legal
  • Organisation
  • IT systems
  • Studies
  • Marketing

The organizers

Sponsored by

Supervision, Risks & Profitability is promoted by ABI. The Italian Banking Association is a voluntary non-profit association that works to foster awareness of social values and conduct inspired by the principles of sound and proper entrepreneurship and the creation of a free, competitive market.

Organized by

Supervision, Risks & Profitability is organised by ABIServizi through its ABIEventi division. ABIServizi – ABI's multi-brand service company – is a benchmark for publishing, training, research and organisation of major events for the banking, financial and insurance sector and its main stakeholders.

In collaboration with

Supervision, Risks & Profitability is created in collaboration with DIPO which offers a suite of information tools to support Operational Risk Management, including a large database and an analysis report. The information disseminated is periodically enriched and provides information on recoveries, second level event types, bankruptcy clawbacks and systemic events. DIPO provides each participant with a manual that describes the event collection methods, a decision tree for assigning the event type and the loss mapping criteria.

Media Partner ( is the digital information ecosystem of ABIServizi, the portal dedicated to the topics of innovation, payments, security and technologies for the financial sector and its partners. is Media Partner of the major events organized by ABIServizi and promoted by ABI for which it creates exclusive focuses, articles, video interviews and special dossiers. The website, social networks, DEM and dedicated newsletters also allow multi-target dissemination of content.


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